Daily writing prompt
Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

Well, this is an odd post, definitely not one that I’d normally make. I’ll take living a more sustainable lifestyle as things that we can do that can minimize waste and possibly, making positive changes to our environment, impacting the world around just us a little.

So yeah, I guess this post will take a little eco and green route.

Recyclable Shopping Bags!

Basically I have a few recyclable shopping bags back at the trunk of my car, always ready to be whipped out to contain all the groceries and stuffs. In cases that I forget to bring any while already got all my stuffs standing in front of the cashier, I’d get a biodegradable bag and if they didn’t have, it’d be plastic bag. However, these bags are re-used for other purposes (e.g. trash liners, wet bags) instead of throwing them away!

Reuse Papers

I’ll admit that sometimes I prefer writing things down with a pen, instead of typing and saving things as memo notes. So, for these cases, I’d opt for misprinted A4 papers due to my printer being a bit faulty, the little space there is on my small calendar, or simply rub away notes written by pencil and rewrite new ones. Of course, digital is always better if you prefer it.

Practice Minimalism

I personally enjoy thinking that my chillin’ hour can save a bit of electricity, and the environment at large, in the long term. Basically, I’d have one small round ceiling lamp lighting up my bedroom in orange-yellow, as I lay on the ground and simply have the world to myself. All I need is just a book, and perhaps my laptop.

I find it a very effective calming way either to sort my jumbled up thoughts during the day, to plan the tasks for tomorrow and near future, to think of ideas to write, to watch a few video clips on Youtube, listen to songs, replying long texts that I’d like to give some thoughts on, and perhaps having a cup of tea (with tea bag) on the side.

I would say I’m a type of person that likes to keep things clean and organized, whether it’s emotionally or physically. So, basically it means that I dread cluttering stuffs, and tend not to purchase things that I don’t need, while things that I do need to enjoy my peace, other than books, are countable by a single hand. With this mindset, I find sorting things more manageable and easier rather than stacked up ones.

lofi girl fits right in


So, those are some of the methods that I practice daily to live a more sustainable (and comfortable too!) lifestyle. Thanks for reading!