Daily writing prompt
What are you passionate about?

Stories. Listening to stories. Sharing stories. Watching stories. I’ve always believed that people’s stories are the most beautiful form of self-expression there is. Be it fiction or just a slice of their life, the way they express it, their tone and choice of words, all these reflect their perspective on the world itself and how they fit into it with their various personalities.

And I think that’s the reason why I thrive on having a conversation and engaging with other, not others. In a group setting, I’d always find it hard to connect with others on a deeper level; even if it’s my university friends that I know for years and shared a lot of memories and experiences with. There just isn’t a chance if it’s more than two people joining a hangout. We’d talk about daily happenings, upcoming plans, drifting the topic here and there but never vertically down.

However, it’s important to mention that before even gotten to this stage, building rapports—which is the journey—is a crucial part. For most people, especially when meeting new friends, this is the make-or-break impression, as through more and more casual exchanges, we mostly can grasp whether to deepen the relationship of new into closer friends.

This actually brings me back to what I’m passionate about—stories.

Or perhaps the more elaborate way is to say, engaging with the other person in listening to stories. And that’s the great part of it. It can be derived from watching movies/tv shows/k-dramas, listening to podcasts/speeches/talks, or talking to a friend one-on-one. It opens the endless possibilities of where the topic may starts and ends, where the stories can resonate and inspires, and how much just one single sharing can affect both you and other.

And, discovering these stories are something that I’m excited about whenever I meet friends, new or old. It’s because it then becomes a part of my journey, listening to stories worth writing down and remembering, plots that shaped characters the way they are, and tales known only by a few.

Little worlds, little thoughts, little smiles—these for me, are worth to be discovered, and to be embraced. Understanding the people around me, and those who I love, just a little bit more.

Now, that’s worth to be passionate about, isn’t it?

On a Side Note

It’s been more than a month since I’ve written any posts; I have something important to share: I’ve graduated! Finally, after four years of engineering degree, it’s time for the little me to step onto the staircases of big wide corporate world.

Since I consider this one of the greatest turning points in my life, I’ve given some thoughts whether to proceed or abandon this website and blog, before proceeding with my work and side hustle. Ultimately, I’ve decided to stay.

It’s been four years I believe, and this is essentially where I got started either using this blog as a vent to express my thoughts or share stories, or building my writing, social skills and inner confidence. It’s where I launched myself into the world. Hence, through many ups and downs, I’m eager to continue blogging with the rest of you, whatever future may hold (though my frequency will be decreased other than these daily prompts which I might just turn into series).

I just want to say time might flies, some might leave but… I’m still here!

So with that, thanks for reading. And I’ll see you guys in my next post!